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reinvent the wheel 從事不必要的重復勞動。


Find out as neal discusses the efforts of a group of developers thinking about laying a framework of code that could liberate you from reinventing the wheel each time you build an application , and discover where the apache geronimo project and licensing fit into this idea Neal詳述了一批開發人員對此作出的努力,他們想設計一種代碼框架,使您從每次構建應用程序時都不得不完成的大量重復勞動中解放出來,通過本文,您還將發現apache geronimo項目和許可頒發與此理念的不謀而合之處。

Component - based development eliminates the need for organizations to continually “ reinvent the wheel “ by writing code line by line . proven benefits of component - based development include faster time - to - market , streamlined development , and more reliable and flexible systems 以部件為基礎的軟件開發將使企業不再需要逐行編寫代碼,周而復始地重復低層次的開發工作;使企業能更快進入市場,更易改進開發過程,以及擁有更加穩定和靈活的系統。

By providing standard implementations for typical presentation - layer tasks such as data formatting and iterative or conditional content , jstl allows jsp authors to focus on application - specific development needs , rather than “ reinventing the wheel “ for these generic operations 通過為典型表示層任務(如數據格式化和迭代或條件內容)提供標準實現, jstl使jsp作者可以專注于特定于應用程序的開發需求,而不是為這些通用操作“另起爐灶” 。

With it , you ll be able to concentrate on solving actual problems , instead of reinventing the wheel , and you can be confident that the application you create will behave the way users expect it to , solving their problems , instead of creating new ones 有了它,就能夠把注意力集中在解決實際問題上,而不必重新發明輪子,而且您也可以確信創建的應用程序會按照用戶預期的方式運作、解決他們的問題,而不必創建新的應用程序。

The simplicity and power of junit are unrivaled , its ubiquity as a helpful java development tool is unparalleled , and there s nothing stopping the combination of junit and groovy , so why reinvent the wheel Unit的簡單性和其功能的強大都是無與倫比的,作為非常有幫助的java開發工具,它的普遍性也是無與倫比的,而且沒有什么能夠阻擋junit和groovy結合,所以為什么多此一舉呢?

He showed examples of how corba is not “ too complex , “ not “ too bloated , “ and “ not the same as soap , “ etc . he argued throughout the conference that web services is really just reinventing the wheel 他展示了一些示例,用來證明corba不是“太復雜” ,不是“太臃腫” ,也“不是與soap一樣” ,等等。在整個會議期間,他都在辯稱web服務實際上完全是多此一舉。

For example , by including statistics and mathematics libraries in the core rdbms , users of decision support systems will be able to perform complex data analysis without reinventing the wheel 例如,將統計和數學的程序庫包括在核心的rdbms中,決策支持系統的用戶就能完成復雜的數據分析,無須重新發明車輪(即無須重復勞動? ?譯注) 。

It offers much better process monitoring and restarting options than a quick perl tool does , and if you get serious about writing such a tool , you are just reinventing the wheel and 與快速的perl工具相比,它提供了更好的進程監控和重新啟動進程的選項。如果您想編寫這樣的工具,那么這只是在做別人做過的事情(而且

Many of them might well take the obvious view that it is pointless to reinvent the wheel , and look to aspects of whatwg specifications to standardize , for example , their form implementations 其中多數可能已經認識到“重新發明輪子”是毫無意義的,開始考慮使whatwg規范標準化,比方說其正式實現。

“ look , don ' t try to design your own computer system for handling our accounts . there are plenty of good systems already on the market , so let ' s not reinvent the wheel 這個老板說: “我說呀,不要為管理我們的賬目設計你自己的電腦程序。市場上已經有不少好的程序,所以我們不必多此一舉啦。 ”

“ look , don ' t try to design your own computer system for handling our accounts . there are plenty of good systems already on the market , so let ' s not reinvent the wheel ! 這個老板說: “我說呀,不要為管理我們的帳目設計你自己的電腦程序。市場上已經有不少好的程序,所以我們不必多此一舉啦。 ”

We pool our expertise . we hit the ground running , and don ' t bill you to reinvent the wheel on each project . all consultancies should work like this ; few do 我們不斷積累經驗。我們腳踏實地,我們不會為了盈利而在您的項目里重造輪子。所有的顧問都應該這樣工作;也有個別例外。

This is linux doing what it does best ; providing an open environment where people can learn from experience without having to reinvent the wheel entirely from scratch 這是linux所實現的最好功能;它提供了一個開放的環境,人們可以從中學習經驗,而不用從頭開始閉門造車。

In effect , they act as checklists ; developers writing requirements don t have to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel to write a specification that looks good 實際上,它們起到表單的作用;編寫需求的開發人員編寫好的規約就無需從草稿開始,做重新發明車輪的工作。

Instead of “ reinventing the wheel ” , a division should revise the curriculum only to meet local customs and traditions or to change time periods , if necessary 為了避色“重覆” ,一個分部應根據當地的風俗習慣將課程加以修正或是如果需要的話可改變上課時間的長短。

All the functions are already defined for you , and you just need to override the ones you want to modify - no need to reinvent the wheel 所有的函數都已為您做了定義,并且您只需覆蓋您想修改的函數沒必要另起爐灶。

We do not need ( and should not ) reinvent the wheel but find a way to utilise existing solutions in an interoperable manner 我們不需要發明輪子,但是需要找到一個在互操作的方式使用現存解決方案的方法。

And from all the “ ooh “ s and “ ah “ s , you ' d think the company ' s founder , steve jobs , had reinvented the wheel 從很多的”嗚“和“呀“的驚喜中,你會認為公司的創始人,史蒂夫?喬布斯,重新定義公司發展方向。

Like all frameworks , a primary motivation for the j2ee apis is “ don t reinvent the wheel . 像所有框架一樣, j2ee api的主要目的是“不重新發明輪子” 。